When I started writing this about section, I hit a mental block that lasted for several months because I believed that it had to be very formal and full of accolades, as that is what society had taught me. I now know that just isn’t true. I graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, but am not using my degree professionally and know that education does not define someone, nor does it give resounding insight into a person’s soul. I do not have an impressive sounding list of companies that I have worked for, but I do come with a long list of life experiences that make me who I really am. When people tell me that I should write a book, I hysterically laugh and say that it would have to be labeled fiction because I wouldn’t even believe some of my past experiences. I am passionate about helping others transform from a caterpillar into a stunningly beautiful butterfly. You see, a caterpillar will never understand the true freedom that a butterfly enjoys because it does not understand what true freedom really is. A caterpillar also can't become a magnificent butterfly in the blink of an eye. It has to fall from its current form and survive before it can thrive. I was once a tiny caterpillar who had fallen, and have survived in a dark cocoon only to emerge as a confident and brave butterfly. I played by societal rules that promised success, happiness, and fulfillment until recently. From the outside, it looked like I had all the sheen that you typically see on social media. Inside, I was overwhelmed, hurting, and desperately lonely. This was not the life that I had imagined for myself as a child, and knew that I had to find a path to freedom and happiness for the little girl inside of me. Since coming to that realization, I took a hard look at myself, put in the mental and emotional work, and took a deep dive into the world of cybersecurity, neuroscience, and human behavior. People fascinate me, and I love that every single person on this planet has a unique experience and perspective on life. I can’t imagine anything more beautiful than a world full of colorful butterflies.